Friday, October 17, 2014

Happy Friday, everyone!

I've had a few favorite brands since I was younger, and Chanel has always been one of them. There's just something about the pieces that they offer that makes the clothing both fresh and timeless. Karl Lagerfeld and his recent revival of the brand has really cemented Chanel's permanent place in fashion history.

Coco Chanel started Chanel as a brand in 1909, and was extremely successful in using jersey in her clothing to make womenswear a bit more sport focused and less dressy. Obviously, her list of accolades is long: Chanel No. 5, sealing the permanence of the "little black dress" in our wardrobes, as well as those delicious wool suits. Karl Lagerfeld, as current head designer, has definitely heightened the brand. He is extremely forward thinking but grounded - he continues to take Chanel's past and channel it towards the future. I'm so excited to see even more from one of my favorite brands.

Here are some of my favorite looks by Chanel, as well as some moments from the runway.

Coco Chanel, wearing a signature Chanel suit and pearls. My costume history teacher always said that Chanel was her own best model, and I agree!

Some gorgeous early pieces from Chanel - quilting was very important to the brand!

Classic and timeless Chanel woolen suits

Karl Lagerfeld and his Chanel army

Karl Lagerfeld's genius mind at work - The Chanel Supermarket!!!

Enjoy your Friday and weekend, kittens! <3


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