Saturday, October 4, 2014

Happy Saturday kittens! Since it's the weekend, I thought I'd use today to post a few of the things I've been watching/reading this week, news or not! - How To Sew A Skirt In One Hour
I'm trying to learn how to use my sewing machine... so I've been watching a lot of videos like this and stocking up on the supplies I need! I went and bought fabrics for a few Christmas presents this week, as well as elastic. Any tips for a newbie sewer??
Do I even need to explain this?? Basically, any video with babies in it is my thing and I'll probably watch this one again a few times for good measure. EEEEE
If I had a cat, we'd take pictures like this!!!

Besides Internet, I am:
-Reading 'Salem's Lot by Stephen King for my book club (which is taking up quite a lot of time - it's nearly 700 pages long!). I've dedicated myself to reading 50 pages a day... I'm on page 410 now.
-Watching The Simpsons! I'm on Season 3 so far - I've honestly never watched it before now. I am enjoying it so far, even though my friends say the best is still yet to come!
-CRAFTING! I've gotten a few things started for Christmas presents (a scarf, some collage bits). I'm excited to get back to making things for the people I love.

What have you been reading/watching lately? Please let me know! I could always use suggestions <3


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